Therapeutic Terpenes List: Their Many Effects and Benefits
What are terpenes?
Terpenes are a diverse and complex group of compounds that occur abundantly in a variety of plants and even some insects. These small molecules pack a potent punch and are the source of the aromatic and flavor characteristics specific to the botanicals and herbs in which they exist. In nature, terpenes have evolved to help plant species protect themselves from predators attempting to eat them and also to attract pollinators - both critical to survival.
Natural therapy

Terpenes provide a distinct advantage for the plants in which they are derived. The same properties within these mighty metabolites that help to protect and propagate them in forests, fields, and jungles all over the world are proving to be of great benefit to humans as well. In fact, humans have been harnessing the therapeutic properties of terpenes for thousands of years. We just haven’t always known that the plant remedies that aid health and wellness are in large part due to the varied effects terpenes can have on the human body.Recent scientific studies are beginning to uncover the effects of isolated terpenes. Traditional herbal remedies such as mint helping an upset stomach or the calming effects of lavender are now known to be a direct result of the terpenes, or terpene blends, found within these plants. And a better understanding of the power of terpenes is leading to the possibilities of cutting-edge treatments being developed to assist serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s and certain types of cancer.
Botanical terpenes are best

Cannabis-derived terpenes have been receiving much attention lately but there are several key benefits associated with terpenes derived from other botanical sources. Botanically sourced terpenes are more cost-effective and readily available in bulk. This, in addition to a cheaper extraction process, reduces the sourcing costs and allows for increased profit potential. Botanical terpenes possess the same properties as cannabis terpenes, but offer a more beneficial therapeutic value, as they can be standardized. Cannabis-derived terpenes are not controlled and can present competing therapeutic values, making them unreliable for therapeutic applications. Clarification on the efficacy of botanical vs. cannabis terpenes: Rumors and misinformation have made some believe that cannabis terpenes are more efficacious in producing the entourage effect in the body. This is not true. While using cannabis-derived terpenes have their own unique benefits and purposes, they aren’t more effective than using botanical terpenes. In fact, when formulating for therapeutic results, the opposite is true.
Therapeutic Terpenes List
The following is a breakdown of some common therapeutic effects and the various terpenes associated with each:
Analgesic (Pain Relief)
- Alpha-Fenchone
- Alpha-Pinene
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Beta-Pinene
- Bomeol
- Camphene
- Eucalyptol
- Humulene
- Linalool
- Myrcene
- Para-Cymene
- Phytol
- Alpha-Pinene
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Beta-Pinene
- Bomeol
- Camphene
- Delta-3-Carene
- Eucalyptol
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Geraniol
- Humulene
- Limonene
- Myrcene
- Ocimene
- Para-Cymene
- Sabinene
- Terpinolene

- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Linalool
Anti-epileptic (Anti-seizure)
- Isopulegol
- Linalool
- Phellandrene
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Bomeol
- Eucalyptol
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Limonene
- Nerolidol
- Ocimene
- Para-Cymene
- Sabinene
- Terpinolene
- Alpha-Fenchone
- Alpha-Pinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Beta-Pinene
- Bisabolol
- Bomeol
- Citronellol
- Eucalyptol
- Humulene
- Isopulegol
- Limonene
- Linalool
- Myrcene
- Para-Cymene
- Phytol
- Sabinene
Anti-insomnia (Sedative)
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Linalool
- Myrcene
- Terpinolene
- Alpha-Fenchone
- Phellandrene
- Bisabolol
- Geraniol
- Limonene
- Nerolidol
- Sabinene
Anxiolytic (Anti-anxiety)

- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Bomeol
- Limonene
- Linalool
- Nerolidol
- Phytol
- Alpha-Pinene
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Bomeol
- Camphene
- Eucalyptol
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Geraniol
- Phytol
- Sabinene
- Terpinolene
Anti-proliferative (Tumor cell suppressing)
- Alpha-Pinene
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Bomeol
- Camphene
- Eucalyptol
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Humulene
- Limonene
- Myrcene
- Terpinolene
- Linalool
- Myrcene
- Guaiacol
- Ocimene
- Citronellol
- Phytol
- Isopulegol
- Ocimene

- Alpha-Terpineol
- Beta-Pinene
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Bomeol
- Geraniol
Custom therapeutic terpene blends

The known benefits and therapeutic properties of the terpenes listed above continue to grow. With new studies and increasing knowledge, the scope of terpene treatment is still developing, and additional benefits are sure to be uncovered. While the unique flavors and aromas of terpenes are useful for a variety of products, they also offer immense potential for medicinal applications. Isolated terpenes and custom formulated terpene blends have displayed potential in improving a variety of conditions from minor to chronic. High-quality and cost-effective bulk terpenes are essential to manufacturers looking to take advantage of these botanical compounds and the exciting therapeutic potential that they possess. Through a deep understanding of beneficial, complementary, terpenes and the ability to deliver value in therapeutic blends and isolates, Lab Effects gives their customers the ability to harness the plant-derived power of these natural compounds and formulate products that target physiological effects. Lab Effects empowers brands to leverage therapeutic terpene blends that deliver targeted and consistent experiences time after time. By controlling the ratios and synergies of terpenes and cannabinoids, manufacturers can make more sophisticated formulas catering to the specific needs of users. Over the last seven years, Lab Effects’ focal point has been blending synergistic terpenes known to support the targeting of specific ailments: pain, inflammation, anxiety, cancer, auto-immune, and more.