
Wait a Second! Are Terpenes Bad For You?

Scott Holden
July 25, 2024

All this talk of terpenes and their therapeutic benefits… but is it possible to take terpenes too far? Are terpenes bad for you? Taking too much of anything can push the limits, whether it’s blood pressure medication, eating too much chocolate, or even drinking too much water. 

Let’s be clear: Anything in excess can be bad for you, and that includes terpenes. But the good news is that terpenes have been scientifically shown to have beneficial properties. Taken in moderation and used responsibly, terpenes don’t pose a risk to human health. 

The short answer is that terpenes are safe, but of course, there is a lot of information to unpack here, and we’ll get into all the nuances below.

What Are Terpenes? 

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in plants. In scientific terms, terpenes are made up of two or more isoprene units (C5H8), with larger structures made up of linked "head-to-tail" isoprene units. 

In lay terms, terpenes are branched-chain unsaturated hydrocarbons. In the plant kingdom, terpenes are found in abundance in the essential oils of plants, especially strongly scented ones. Terpenes are responsible not only for how things smell but, to a certain extent, how they taste.

Where do Terpenes Come From? 

Cannabis plants alone contain more than 400 terpenes, but terpenes can be naturally derived from other plants as well. You’re likely familiar with the smells of terpenes from the citrus and conifer families, floral plants like lavender, and resinous plants like hops and cannabis.

Terpenes from the cannabis plant have been most studied for their synergistic effect with cannabinoids, which allows them to enhance cannabis’ therapeutic benefits. 

Some of the most common terpenes include:

  • Myrcene
  • Limonene
  • Linalool
  • Caryophyllene
  • Pinene
  • Humulene

How do Terpenes Affect the Body? 

Terpenes and cannabinoids are both compounds that work within the human body. Just remember, every human body is biologically unique, which means each person’s experience with the effects of terpenes may be different. 

While scientists have identified one terpene that interacts with the endocannabinoid system (Beta-Caryophyllene), most operate on completely different pathways. Yet, interestingly, some terpenes seem to enhance the effect of certain cannabinoids or combinations of cannabinoids to have a greater impact.

Many manufacturers of cannabis products are seeking ways to boost their products with botanical or cannabis-derived terpenes to replicate favorite strains’ aromas and flavors and/or elicit specific types of physiological reactions.

Do Terpenes Have Effects? 

There is no doubt that terpenes affect humans in physical and emotional ways, both when used alone and when used in tandem with cannabis or other compounds. Let’s analyze it in more detail.  

Examples of the therapeutic effects of terpenes

The most commonly recognized therapeutic effects of terpenes are closely related to cannabis effects; for example, people use them to reduce stress. 

For instance, the following isolated botanical terpenes are likely to assist in a shift to a sense of euphoria or mood elevation:

It’s not just your general mood that can get a needed lift. Some functional therapeutic terpene blends can even give you a little boost in the bedroom, enhancing arousal and sexual enjoyment.

These mood and arousal-elevating effects are just a few areas where people are experimenting with terpenes. Medical science shows there are many more beneficial therapeutic effects that can improve physical and mental health as well.

Terpenes Image

Ready to experience the full potential of terpenes?

Explore our extensive range of safe, natural terpenes that support your health and well-being!

Contact us directly



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Health Benefits of Terpenes 

Beyond terpenes for recreation or wellness, terpenes are also being taken seriously by the healthcare community,leading to more research to support these clinical applications. 

Terpenes are under investigation for supporting the following mental and physical health conditions:


Many terpenes seem to have a positive effect as an anxiolytic or antidepressant. Studies show that:

  • Beta-caryophyllene has produced anxiolytic effects when administered to mice. 
  • Limonene was given to mice before a stress test, and results showed it may be useful for reducing stress and mood disorders.  
  • Linalool has been much studied for its anti-neoplastic, sedative, and anxiolytic properties.
  • Myrcene has been researched as part of clinical studies into cannabis essential oils, revealing anxiolytic therapeutic effects.


Terpenes that have or are currently being studied for antidepressant effects include the following: 

  • Beta-caryophyllene has been shown to produce multiple behavioral changes in mice, including an antidepressant-like effect.
  • Beta-pinene has been connected to antidepressant effects in mice studies, acting similarly to existing drugs that target serotonin signaling in the brain.
  • Linalool’s antidepressant properties have been studied alongside those of beta-pinene, and they appear to work together to affect the monoaminergic system. 


Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can cause multiple symptoms. In addition to the terpenes for anxiety and depression listed above, the following terpenes can provide therapeutic benefits for PTSD sufferers with additional symptoms:


Studies have revealed the extreme potential of many terpenes for reducing inflammation. These terpenes can help with a wide range of inflammatory conditions and symptoms:

Chronic pain

The inhibitory activity of many terpenes on pain signals sent between nerve endings and the brain can often provide some relief for chronic pain sufferers, especially if other methods of pain management have failed.

Are Botanical Terpenes Safe? 

Disclaimer: Terpenes are non-polar, oil-based hydrocarbons that, in pure form, can be very potent and sometimes volatile, flammable, and even corrosive compounds. For this reason, they should strictly be used by experienced and trained manufacturers, and we advise those unfamiliar with these compounds to exercise caution.

First things first: Natural terpenes are absolutely safe when used responsibly

There are two main types of natural terpenes: cannabis-derived and botanically derived

  • Cannabis-derived terpenes, or CDTs, are sourced directly from the cannabis plant.
  • Botanically derived terpenes, or BDTs, are taken directly from other plants containing the same terpenes. Botanicals are typically more affordable and easier to source than cannabis terpenes.

The term CDTs can be misleading as it makes it sound as if single terpenes are derived from cannabis. It's literally in the name. However, CDTs technically refer to the entire essential oil of the cannabis plant, as nobody isolates single terpenes from cannabis. Doing so is cost-prohibitive and unnecessary, as single terpenes can be isolated and purified from other plants in much higher abundance at cheaper costs. Therefore, pulling and isolating terpenes from non-cannabis sources is referred to in the industry as botanical terpenes. Since the single chemicals in their pure form are exactly the same, regardless of source, they hold an identical safety profile. Botanical terpenes are sourced as single chemicals and blended together, making them better at controlling therapeutic values, as the ratios and profiles are controlled to specificity. CDTs are desired for the aromatic value they bring directly from the cannabis plant, as the profile is not manufactured by a formulator, but by nature. And CDT essential oils contain far more than just terpenes, like Aldehydes, Esters, Ketones, Flavonoids, etc., which all contribute to the ubiquitous cannabis aroma that could never be achieved artificially by blending just botanical terpenes together. So, the safety of CDTs relies more heavily on the process and sophistication of the producer; and not all CDTs are the same. A large variance in quality definitely exists between suppliers, but there are not very many suppliers in the world. Lab Effects happens to be the largest supplier on the globe of true, natural, cannabis-derived terpenes. 

Terpenes are used safely in product manufacturing throughout the industry, and its popularity has grown so much, the use of terpenes in product formulations has become a new expected standard for quality product manufacturing. It  boosts the terpene content of a vape pen, spices up a full-spectrum edible, or recreates the aroma, taste, and therapeutic effects of specific cannabis strains. 

Terpenes are added to topicals, dissolved in alcohol or other beverages, or used to create signature vape cartridges, therapeutic ingestibles, confection, and even for more medical oriented products like nasal sprays and suppositories. The possibilities are endless. At Lab Effects, we’re constantly developing new terpene blends to help our users access their full benefits. Our product line spans everything from Cannabis-Derived Strains to Canna-Botanical Strains to Botanical Derived Strains and Isolated Botanical Terpenes.

We also offer 13 functional therapeutic terpene blends, as well as water-soluble terpenes and flowable powder terpenes (both made from botanically derived terpenes.)

What about synthetic terpenes?

Not all terpenes are created equal. Most suppliers source synthetic terpenes that are converted from non-plant chemical precursors. In most cases they are safe as long as they are GRAS food grade and of high purity. However, cheap industrial versions that are not intended for human consumption do exist and can contain impurities such as potentially toxic chemical intermediaries from the process of synthesis. 

Lab Effects does not manufacture or sell synthetic terpenes. All of our terpenes are derived from cannabis or botanical sources. This allows us to provide you with a safe, effective product that is consistent in quality and therapeutic effects.

Natural Cannabis and Botanical Terpenes from Lab Effects

For safe, effective terpene use, you need natural terpenes from a responsible manufacturer. Lab Effects’ terpenes are always derived from botanical sources or straight from cannabis and are never synthetic. 

  • We provide both cannabis-derived strains and natural terpene flavors. 
  • Our process uses only 100% natural, plant-derived sources.
  • We never use any synthetics, artificial additives, or chemicals. 
  • We provide a guarantee that your terpenes are always pure and consistent.
  • We gladly create custom terpene blends to meet your precise preferences.

Order cannabis terpenes wholesale today from a reputable company in the U.S. cannabis industry. Lab Effects is cGMP-certified, ISO 9001-certified, HACCP-certified, FDA-registered, and ANAB-accredited.

Terpenes FAQs 

Are terpenes good for you?

Yes! Hundreds of studies on the therapeutic benefits of terpenes for everything from inflammation and pain to anxiety and depression show that terpenes can be good for you. But, like everything else you put in your body, you’ll want to use them responsibly. 

Do terpenes have side effects? 

Yes, terpenes can have side effects, just like any other product you put into your system. However, most products contain such small amounts of terpenes that the risk profile is extremely low. Side effects are rare or are simply extensions of common cannabis side effects, like couch lock, which are more related to cannabinoids than terpenes.

Are terpenes safe? 

Yes, terpenes are completely safe when used responsibly and in moderation. Both botanical and cannabis terpenes are natural products, and as long as you purchase from a responsible manufacturer who doesn’t introduce artificial elements, your terpenes should be perfectly safe.

Key Takeaways
Scott Holden
Founder and owner of CBD Global & Lab Effects. 13 year cannabis industry expert with a background in Bio-Chem and Molecular Biology.

Wait a Second! Are Terpenes Bad For You?

Scott Holden
April 18, 2024
Table of Contents

All this talk of terpenes and their therapeutic benefits… but is it possible to take terpenes too far? Are terpenes bad for you? Taking too much of anything can push the limits, whether it’s blood pressure medication, eating too much chocolate, or even drinking too much water. 

Let’s be clear: Anything in excess can be bad for you, and that includes terpenes. But the good news is that terpenes have been scientifically shown to have beneficial properties. Taken in moderation and used responsibly, terpenes don’t pose a risk to human health. 

The short answer is that terpenes are safe, but of course, there is a lot of information to unpack here, and we’ll get into all the nuances below.

What Are Terpenes? 

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in plants. In scientific terms, terpenes are made up of two or more isoprene units (C5H8), with larger structures made up of linked "head-to-tail" isoprene units. 

In lay terms, terpenes are branched-chain unsaturated hydrocarbons. In the plant kingdom, terpenes are found in abundance in the essential oils of plants, especially strongly scented ones. Terpenes are responsible not only for how things smell but, to a certain extent, how they taste.

Where do Terpenes Come From? 

Cannabis plants alone contain more than 400 terpenes, but terpenes can be naturally derived from other plants as well. You’re likely familiar with the smells of terpenes from the citrus and conifer families, floral plants like lavender, and resinous plants like hops and cannabis.

Terpenes from the cannabis plant have been most studied for their synergistic effect with cannabinoids, which allows them to enhance cannabis’ therapeutic benefits. 

Some of the most common terpenes include:

  • Myrcene
  • Limonene
  • Linalool
  • Caryophyllene
  • Pinene
  • Humulene

How do Terpenes Affect the Body? 

Terpenes and cannabinoids are both compounds that work within the human body. Just remember, every human body is biologically unique, which means each person’s experience with the effects of terpenes may be different. 

While scientists have identified one terpene that interacts with the endocannabinoid system (Beta-Caryophyllene), most operate on completely different pathways. Yet, interestingly, some terpenes seem to enhance the effect of certain cannabinoids or combinations of cannabinoids to have a greater impact.

Many manufacturers of cannabis products are seeking ways to boost their products with botanical or cannabis-derived terpenes to replicate favorite strains’ aromas and flavors and/or elicit specific types of physiological reactions.

Do Terpenes Have Effects? 

There is no doubt that terpenes affect humans in physical and emotional ways, both when used alone and when used in tandem with cannabis or other compounds. Let’s analyze it in more detail.  

Examples of the therapeutic effects of terpenes

The most commonly recognized therapeutic effects of terpenes are closely related to cannabis effects; for example, people use them to reduce stress. 

For instance, the following isolated botanical terpenes are likely to assist in a shift to a sense of euphoria or mood elevation:

It’s not just your general mood that can get a needed lift. Some functional therapeutic terpene blends can even give you a little boost in the bedroom, enhancing arousal and sexual enjoyment.

These mood and arousal-elevating effects are just a few areas where people are experimenting with terpenes. Medical science shows there are many more beneficial therapeutic effects that can improve physical and mental health as well.

Terpenes Image

Ready to experience the full potential of terpenes?

Explore our extensive range of safe, natural terpenes that support your health and well-being!

Contact us directly



Shop Now

Health Benefits of Terpenes 

Beyond terpenes for recreation or wellness, terpenes are also being taken seriously by the healthcare community,leading to more research to support these clinical applications. 

Terpenes are under investigation for supporting the following mental and physical health conditions:


Many terpenes seem to have a positive effect as an anxiolytic or antidepressant. Studies show that:

  • Beta-caryophyllene has produced anxiolytic effects when administered to mice. 
  • Limonene was given to mice before a stress test, and results showed it may be useful for reducing stress and mood disorders.  
  • Linalool has been much studied for its anti-neoplastic, sedative, and anxiolytic properties.
  • Myrcene has been researched as part of clinical studies into cannabis essential oils, revealing anxiolytic therapeutic effects.


Terpenes that have or are currently being studied for antidepressant effects include the following: 

  • Beta-caryophyllene has been shown to produce multiple behavioral changes in mice, including an antidepressant-like effect.
  • Beta-pinene has been connected to antidepressant effects in mice studies, acting similarly to existing drugs that target serotonin signaling in the brain.
  • Linalool’s antidepressant properties have been studied alongside those of beta-pinene, and they appear to work together to affect the monoaminergic system. 


Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can cause multiple symptoms. In addition to the terpenes for anxiety and depression listed above, the following terpenes can provide therapeutic benefits for PTSD sufferers with additional symptoms:


Studies have revealed the extreme potential of many terpenes for reducing inflammation. These terpenes can help with a wide range of inflammatory conditions and symptoms:

Chronic pain

The inhibitory activity of many terpenes on pain signals sent between nerve endings and the brain can often provide some relief for chronic pain sufferers, especially if other methods of pain management have failed.

Are Botanical Terpenes Safe? 

Disclaimer: Terpenes are non-polar, oil-based hydrocarbons that, in pure form, can be very potent and sometimes volatile, flammable, and even corrosive compounds. For this reason, they should strictly be used by experienced and trained manufacturers, and we advise those unfamiliar with these compounds to exercise caution.

First things first: Natural terpenes are absolutely safe when used responsibly

There are two main types of natural terpenes: cannabis-derived and botanically derived

  • Cannabis-derived terpenes, or CDTs, are sourced directly from the cannabis plant.
  • Botanically derived terpenes, or BDTs, are taken directly from other plants containing the same terpenes. Botanicals are typically more affordable and easier to source than cannabis terpenes.

The term CDTs can be misleading as it makes it sound as if single terpenes are derived from cannabis. It's literally in the name. However, CDTs technically refer to the entire essential oil of the cannabis plant, as nobody isolates single terpenes from cannabis. Doing so is cost-prohibitive and unnecessary, as single terpenes can be isolated and purified from other plants in much higher abundance at cheaper costs. Therefore, pulling and isolating terpenes from non-cannabis sources is referred to in the industry as botanical terpenes. Since the single chemicals in their pure form are exactly the same, regardless of source, they hold an identical safety profile. Botanical terpenes are sourced as single chemicals and blended together, making them better at controlling therapeutic values, as the ratios and profiles are controlled to specificity. CDTs are desired for the aromatic value they bring directly from the cannabis plant, as the profile is not manufactured by a formulator, but by nature. And CDT essential oils contain far more than just terpenes, like Aldehydes, Esters, Ketones, Flavonoids, etc., which all contribute to the ubiquitous cannabis aroma that could never be achieved artificially by blending just botanical terpenes together. So, the safety of CDTs relies more heavily on the process and sophistication of the producer; and not all CDTs are the same. A large variance in quality definitely exists between suppliers, but there are not very many suppliers in the world. Lab Effects happens to be the largest supplier on the globe of true, natural, cannabis-derived terpenes. 

Terpenes are used safely in product manufacturing throughout the industry, and its popularity has grown so much, the use of terpenes in product formulations has become a new expected standard for quality product manufacturing. It  boosts the terpene content of a vape pen, spices up a full-spectrum edible, or recreates the aroma, taste, and therapeutic effects of specific cannabis strains. 

Terpenes are added to topicals, dissolved in alcohol or other beverages, or used to create signature vape cartridges, therapeutic ingestibles, confection, and even for more medical oriented products like nasal sprays and suppositories. The possibilities are endless. At Lab Effects, we’re constantly developing new terpene blends to help our users access their full benefits. Our product line spans everything from Cannabis-Derived Strains to Canna-Botanical Strains to Botanical Derived Strains and Isolated Botanical Terpenes.

We also offer 13 functional therapeutic terpene blends, as well as water-soluble terpenes and flowable powder terpenes (both made from botanically derived terpenes.)

What about synthetic terpenes?

Not all terpenes are created equal. Most suppliers source synthetic terpenes that are converted from non-plant chemical precursors. In most cases they are safe as long as they are GRAS food grade and of high purity. However, cheap industrial versions that are not intended for human consumption do exist and can contain impurities such as potentially toxic chemical intermediaries from the process of synthesis. 

Lab Effects does not manufacture or sell synthetic terpenes. All of our terpenes are derived from cannabis or botanical sources. This allows us to provide you with a safe, effective product that is consistent in quality and therapeutic effects.

Natural Cannabis and Botanical Terpenes from Lab Effects

For safe, effective terpene use, you need natural terpenes from a responsible manufacturer. Lab Effects’ terpenes are always derived from botanical sources or straight from cannabis and are never synthetic. 

  • We provide both cannabis-derived strains and natural terpene flavors. 
  • Our process uses only 100% natural, plant-derived sources.
  • We never use any synthetics, artificial additives, or chemicals. 
  • We provide a guarantee that your terpenes are always pure and consistent.
  • We gladly create custom terpene blends to meet your precise preferences.

Order cannabis terpenes wholesale today from a reputable company in the U.S. cannabis industry. Lab Effects is cGMP-certified, ISO 9001-certified, HACCP-certified, FDA-registered, and ANAB-accredited.

Terpenes FAQs 

Are terpenes good for you?

Yes! Hundreds of studies on the therapeutic benefits of terpenes for everything from inflammation and pain to anxiety and depression show that terpenes can be good for you. But, like everything else you put in your body, you’ll want to use them responsibly. 

Do terpenes have side effects? 

Yes, terpenes can have side effects, just like any other product you put into your system. However, most products contain such small amounts of terpenes that the risk profile is extremely low. Side effects are rare or are simply extensions of common cannabis side effects, like couch lock, which are more related to cannabinoids than terpenes.

Are terpenes safe? 

Yes, terpenes are completely safe when used responsibly and in moderation. Both botanical and cannabis terpenes are natural products, and as long as you purchase from a responsible manufacturer who doesn’t introduce artificial elements, your terpenes should be perfectly safe.